Picture of a navy ship in front of a bridge in Germany

Antje Dabeler

antje 'dot' dabeler 'at' uni-muenster 'dot' de
Picture of a navy ship in front of a bridge in Germany

Antje Dabeler

antje 'dot' dabeler 'at' uni-muenster 'dot' de

My research

I finished my PhD at the Mathematical Institute of the University of Münster in March 2023. My research interests lie in the connection between operator theory and group theory, namely group \(C^*\)-algebras. During my PhD I studied the existence of exotic group \(C^*\)-algebras related to unitary representations whose matrix coefficients show specific integrability properties. As examples I have studied semisimple connected Lie groups and their unitary representations. As a mentee I am part of the Operator Algebra Mentor Network.


 Contributed and invited talks:

 Organization and teaching:

 Where you may have met me:


 Contributed and invited talks:

 Organization and teaching:

 Where you may have met me:

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